Textil arrangements
Do you need clothing arrangements in Valencia? Visit our Store Coser y Cantar!
We will offer you the best service and we will inform you of the prices we have for clothing arrangements.
Good service, unbeatable finishes and everything in the emblematic Cabanyal neighborhood… We can’t sell it better! Come to the street Justo Vilar 9, 46011 Valencia.
Or, if you prefer, you can contact us through:
Email: contacto@coserycantarcabanyal.com
Telephone: 960233883
What are you waiting for? We already have the machinery ready for those arrangements you need :)
Fashion design:
If you need a fashion designer in Valencia, that is Diego Ramirez. Do you have questions about any garment? Would you like to create a specific product? Contact us!
Feel free to ask us for information or tell us what you are looking for in this process of fashion design in Valencia. If we can help you, we will!
So if you want to talk to our designer you have two options. Come to our workshop or contact us:
Direction: Justo Vilar 9, 46011 Valencia.
Email: contacto@coserycantarcabanyal.com
Telephone: 960233883
Start today with the projects that make you excited. At Coser y Cantar we are looking forward to helping you make them come true!