· "WARNING: This device is not a medical device within the meaning of Directive 93/42 or Regulation EU / 2017/745, nor is it a personal protective equipment within the meaning of Regulation EU / 2016/425";
-Coser y Cantar will not admit any kind of responsibility in this respect, each one will use this mask under his own judgement and risk
· Proper hygiene of the hands, washed with soap and water or with an alcohol-based disinfectant, is an essential condition for both donning and removing the mask. Never touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
*Never wash next to clothes. It can fade colours or bright prints. It may also shrink a little
It is recommended that the mask be placed on bare skin (without the presence of hair in contact with the user's skin and, for some people, shaved skin) and that the following steps be respected:
1. Wash your hands with soap and water or rub them with a hydroalcoholic solution before handling the mask.
2. Identify the top of the mask.
3. Position the mask on your face, at nose level.
4. Hold the mask from the outside and on both sides of the ears, without crossing them.
5. Lower the bottom of the mask to the chin.
6. Verify that the mask covers the chin
7. Check that the mask is correctly fitted. To do this, it is necessary to verify the seal and the absence of respiratory discomfort.
8. Once adjusted, do not touch the mask with your hands. If the user needs to touch the mask, he should first wash his hands with soap and water or rub them with a hydroalcoholic solution
To avoid contamination when removing a mask, the following steps should be followed:
1. remove protective gloves.
2. wash your hands with soap and water or rub them with a hydroalcoholic solution.
3. remove the mask without touching the front of the mask.
5. wash your hands with soap and water or rub them with a hydroalcoholic solution.